Movie theaters in Thailand should be standardized throughout the rest of the world. It was the most amazing experience I have ever had watching a movie. Not to mention the movie itself was amazing, Narnia was awesome! For $15 we got "Gold Class" treatment which included a complimentary drink from their seating area. The seating area was this waiting room that had these huge plush red chairs and posters of movie stars all over the walls. It was unreal! They escorted us to our chairs in the theater (where we had assigned seating) and brought us popcorn. The seats were massage chairs. Yes, massage chairs. I couldn't figure it out for awhile, but then I got the hang of it. We even got pillows and blankets! The chairs reclined, of course, so you could practically lay down if you wanted to. They were like leather lay-z-boys! Overall it was my favorite thing we did in Bangkok. I have to say that Narnia was even better just because we saw it in Thailand in massage chairs.
However, the one thing that was unusual is at the beginning of the film they play their national anthem while showing pictures of their king and you have to stand up to pay respects to the king of Thailand. Different and an interesting experience. It was strange sitting there and thinking about how Aslan parallels our King and these Thai people paid respect to their king before watching a movie about the true King and what He did for them. Thailand is a Buddhist country and they take religion seriously. It broke my heart to see them searching for something more. It made me appreciate even more the blessing I had being raised in a Christian home and in a country where you are free to worship Jesus. Just coming from a land where religion is illegal and then walking into a country where Buddhism is everywhere, it was a weird sensation. Gave me a lot to think about and be thankful for. So, thank you Jesus for giving me Your Light. Please help me to be a light for you shining in to the darkest of countries, whether they're atheist or Buddhist.
*this started to be a post about movie theaters and turned into something else...hmmm...God is good!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Packing and ponderings on TL
Ahhh, the joys of packing. Ok, so there's nothing joyfull about it. In fact, I don't like packing (the only thing worse is the dreaded unpacking). But this occassion I am actually excited about it as I am packing to head off to Thailand! The land of sun and beaches. Yay! It's weird packing tank tops, skirts and flip flops when it's 30 degrees out. We'll be flying out Sunday afternoon at about 3:30 (11:30pm Saturday night, PST) and landing in Bangkok where we'll stay two nights. Then we'll fly down to beautiful Koh Samui. Where we'll lay on the beach, maybe swim in a lagoon, eat Mexican food, admire sunsets and stars (we haven't really seen any since August) and maybe take up some snorkeling. Some others in my group are going to go scuba diving, but since I have this irrational fear of depth and sharks I'll stay close to shore. Chaweng is the main beach on Koh Samui and that's where our hotel is. We'll be right in the middle of everything. So this might be my last post for awhile. I might share an adventure or two from Thailand when I get the chance. We'll see. So I'll be on Koh Samui until Feb 3rd and then I'm headed to the Mid Year conference on the other side of Thailand for two weeks of conferences and classes. I'll be back in country on Feb 19. Please be praying for safe travels. I think the thing I'm most excited about it being able to build deeper relationships with my friends outside of work and East Asia. It will be fun to hang out and do life together in a new and exciting context, away from everyday life. Have some adventures together and laugh a lot. It will also be nice to see the sky and stars at night, and get back in touch with the beauty of God through His creation.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Kelley and I just finished watching Kate & Leopold. If you have not watched it, I suggest that you do. It is a good movie and reminds me a lot of chivalry (although throughout it Kate, Meg Ryan's character, is quite mean to Leopold). First, the plot line: Stuart (Kate's ex boyfriend) goes back in time and upon returning lures back the Duke of Albany, Leopold (who also happened to invent elevators). So Leopold is from 1876, stuck in 2000 (or so) and ends up falling in love with Kate. Anyways, the movie is mostly about chivalry and Leopold is excellent at it (being from the 19th century helps a great deal).
Why am I caught up in chivalry you ask? Because the same methods that Leopold used (assuming they are actually 1876 methods) still work today, however they seem to be long forgotten. The age of opening doors for ladies and bringing them flowers is fading. Yes, there are still men out there who do these sorts of things but unfortunately there are many, many who don't get it. At one point in the movie Leopold is giving Kate's brother Charlie advice on calling a girl he likes. Leopold was one who actually secured her number for Charlie and is surprised that Charlie is acting so "inconsiderate" of her feelings, I believe he calls him a merry-Andrew. He tells Charlie, "Everything plays a farce to you. Women respond to sincerity. No-one wants to be romanced by a buffoon." So true! And yet so many women allow themselves to be romanced by a buffoon. Just today I was reading an article on MSN that gave an example of how a girl who so badly wanted to be married that she dated this guy even though she knew he was a jerk and not worthy of her. In the end, he proposed, but not to her. No, instead he proposed to the girl he was dating behind her back! So how does this happen? How do these buffoons end up with girls and end up marrying them? Why do these girls settle? Simple: girls are desperate to get married and thus make it easy for guys who are too lazy to be chivalrous. If women instead held their ground and only dated those men who were sincere and who did actually court them then men would be forced to become those types of men. When a woman dates a man who treats her badly then she only encourages his behavior. I'm not saying that you can date a man and change him. That is never a good idea. Instead, expect more from them. Of course, a man will never be a Leopold (let's face it, that's all Hollywood), but what does it hurt to set the bar higher? Why not expect him to open your door, bring you flowers and write you letters that say how much he appreciates you? And if you do happen to find one who does this, be appreciative. Thank him, encourage him.
Letters, that brings up something else from the movie. In the same conversation with Charlie that was previously mentioned, Leopold also talks about letters. After hearing that Kate is going to dinner with a man whose intentions are unclear. Leopold is concerned about her, rightfully so. He asks to chaperone her and she retorts, "I'm alone with you. Do I need a chaperone?" To which he replies, "We are not courting, Kate. If we were, as a man of honor, I would have informed you of my intentions in writing." Ponder that...I know all you girls are sighing. Interesting enough he does just that later on and it works! Guys, take note.
I'm not writing this as a "girls need to be treated better" campaign. However, I am encouraging those women around me to not throw themselves at every guy who comes along. Just wait, be patient and encourage chivalry. Make him make his intentions known. Would you rather date a man who has no concern for your emotional well-being right now, or wait 1, 2 or maybe even 5 years for a man who would do anything for you, even bring you a warm bioche smothered in marmalade and fresh creamery butter in bed.
It's all in God's timing. Don't rush a relationship or try and date every available guy to the expense of your heart and emotions. Men were made to pursue, they were created to be chivalrous. Encourage them and let them pursue you. Enjoy the wait and enjoy what God has for you right now. God created marriage to mirror His relationship with us and to bring Himself glory. He wants the best for you. The question is are you willing to wait for it?
Why am I caught up in chivalry you ask? Because the same methods that Leopold used (assuming they are actually 1876 methods) still work today, however they seem to be long forgotten. The age of opening doors for ladies and bringing them flowers is fading. Yes, there are still men out there who do these sorts of things but unfortunately there are many, many who don't get it. At one point in the movie Leopold is giving Kate's brother Charlie advice on calling a girl he likes. Leopold was one who actually secured her number for Charlie and is surprised that Charlie is acting so "inconsiderate" of her feelings, I believe he calls him a merry-Andrew. He tells Charlie, "Everything plays a farce to you. Women respond to sincerity. No-one wants to be romanced by a buffoon." So true! And yet so many women allow themselves to be romanced by a buffoon. Just today I was reading an article on MSN that gave an example of how a girl who so badly wanted to be married that she dated this guy even though she knew he was a jerk and not worthy of her. In the end, he proposed, but not to her. No, instead he proposed to the girl he was dating behind her back! So how does this happen? How do these buffoons end up with girls and end up marrying them? Why do these girls settle? Simple: girls are desperate to get married and thus make it easy for guys who are too lazy to be chivalrous. If women instead held their ground and only dated those men who were sincere and who did actually court them then men would be forced to become those types of men. When a woman dates a man who treats her badly then she only encourages his behavior. I'm not saying that you can date a man and change him. That is never a good idea. Instead, expect more from them. Of course, a man will never be a Leopold (let's face it, that's all Hollywood), but what does it hurt to set the bar higher? Why not expect him to open your door, bring you flowers and write you letters that say how much he appreciates you? And if you do happen to find one who does this, be appreciative. Thank him, encourage him.
Letters, that brings up something else from the movie. In the same conversation with Charlie that was previously mentioned, Leopold also talks about letters. After hearing that Kate is going to dinner with a man whose intentions are unclear. Leopold is concerned about her, rightfully so. He asks to chaperone her and she retorts, "I'm alone with you. Do I need a chaperone?" To which he replies, "We are not courting, Kate. If we were, as a man of honor, I would have informed you of my intentions in writing." Ponder that...I know all you girls are sighing. Interesting enough he does just that later on and it works! Guys, take note.
I'm not writing this as a "girls need to be treated better" campaign. However, I am encouraging those women around me to not throw themselves at every guy who comes along. Just wait, be patient and encourage chivalry. Make him make his intentions known. Would you rather date a man who has no concern for your emotional well-being right now, or wait 1, 2 or maybe even 5 years for a man who would do anything for you, even bring you a warm bioche smothered in marmalade and fresh creamery butter in bed.
It's all in God's timing. Don't rush a relationship or try and date every available guy to the expense of your heart and emotions. Men were made to pursue, they were created to be chivalrous. Encourage them and let them pursue you. Enjoy the wait and enjoy what God has for you right now. God created marriage to mirror His relationship with us and to bring Himself glory. He wants the best for you. The question is are you willing to wait for it?
Puddle Jumping
Last night Kelley and I found ourselves caught in the middle of a downpour. We had just finished dinner with Michelle's family (visiting from the states) and went to leave Pizza Hut when we noticed the incredible rain shower. Kelley and I attempted to hail a cab, but after 15 minutes standing waiting for a taxi we decided to try and walk back. Well, by the time we started walking the rain had already begun to run off of my Gore-Tex jacket and onto my pants. By the time we were half to the boy's place (to pick up Kelley's bike) we were soaked through. At that point, we figured what the heck and took up the sport of puddle jumping. I remember one particular puddle where Kelley said, "you can't even see the bottom!" To which I jumped in and exclaimed, "there it is" as the muddy and God-only-knows-what water covered my shoes. By the time we reached the boy's place we were drenched. However, despite the fact that I was freezing cold and my shoes will probably never dry in this humid climate, it was fun. I revisited a time in my life when puddle jumping was an art and being drenched in a down pour was enjoyable and laughable. That night, even in the cold, I enjoyed laughing with one of my closest friends and reinventing the art of puddle jumping.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Procrastinating from writing my PL...
This is fun...and entertaining. I can find lots of fun stuff online when there's something that I don't want to do. Superheros never get old.
Your results:
You are Supergirl
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
Go ahead, take the quiz! Then we can compare'll help us to get to know each other better, a personality test of sorts. Ah, the art of procrastination. See, if I wasn't so good at it I'd never have found this quiz, and you'd never know what superhero you so strongly represent. The moral of the story is: Procrastination is key motivation for finding meaningless information on the internet.
Your results:
You are Supergirl
| Lean, muscular and feminine. Honest and a defender of the innocent. |
Go ahead, take the quiz! Then we can compare'll help us to get to know each other better, a personality test of sorts. Ah, the art of procrastination. See, if I wasn't so good at it I'd never have found this quiz, and you'd never know what superhero you so strongly represent. The moral of the story is: Procrastination is key motivation for finding meaningless information on the internet.
It's all about trust (and so is this blog)
This past weekend we attended a life options retreat where we are told all of our options with the company and then asked to consider going on a second year of STINT or joining the company. Sounds intimidating. However, once we got there, it turned out to be a very relaxing weekend.
All of it has to do with the fact that I know for sure what I'm doing next year: going back to WSU and finishing up school. However, past that, I really don't know. I could go on STINT again, either back here to EA or somewhere else (maybe Spanish speaking...). I could join staff, probably do ICS (international), but I'm not really sure the company is where God wants me. Other options include entering the workforce, going to more school (not really considering this option), or living in a van down by the river. That last option is sounding better and better. Past next year I really have no idea what God has in store for me. I can really only guess.
I don't feel called back here, but then again, it might not happen until next year. I still have a heart for Latin America, so there's always that option. I would love to use my Spanish in my service to Yahweh, but we'll see what He thinks about that. So with that, I've been struggling a lot with why am I here this year? If God doesn't intend to call me back, why? This weekend helped to bring it all up again. Thinking about where God is taking me and where I've been. At least I know what I'm doing next year, but even then there are questions (such as: where am I going to live? Am I going to be able to graduate in a year? What is it going to be like going back to WSU after this year?).
I guess it's all about trusting God. I keep telling myself that, but as many of you know trusting is easier said than done. Trusting in His sovereignty and His ultimate plan for my life. What part does this year play in my life? Maybe I'll never be able to answer that question. I can tell you I've learned many valuable lessons here that it would be hard to learn elsewhere. I've seen God work in ways I didn't know were possible, and I've been able to picture Him as more of an all-powerful, almighty God instead of the American version of watered-down Christian God who prompts us to attend Bible studies and church. God called me here I'm certain of that. I just need to stop questioning and start trusting, start having faith in His plan. Who can understand the mind of God? Therefore, who am I to think I can understand His plan for me and my future.
Anyways, this is a snippet of what goes through my mind every time I think about my future. My biggest fear is that I'll miss what God has for me. Either I'll miss it from a lack of paying attention or miss it because it wasn't I wanted for my life. My prayer is that no matter where God takes me past this year that I would trust and follow Him with reckless abandon. Not caring about what the world thinks, but pursuing a life of righteousness that He has called me to. That I wouldn't question His leading but that I would follow with faith like a child. Trusting in Him for the fulfillment of His kingdom purposes in my life.
All of it has to do with the fact that I know for sure what I'm doing next year: going back to WSU and finishing up school. However, past that, I really don't know. I could go on STINT again, either back here to EA or somewhere else (maybe Spanish speaking...). I could join staff, probably do ICS (international), but I'm not really sure the company is where God wants me. Other options include entering the workforce, going to more school (not really considering this option), or living in a van down by the river. That last option is sounding better and better. Past next year I really have no idea what God has in store for me. I can really only guess.
I don't feel called back here, but then again, it might not happen until next year. I still have a heart for Latin America, so there's always that option. I would love to use my Spanish in my service to Yahweh, but we'll see what He thinks about that. So with that, I've been struggling a lot with why am I here this year? If God doesn't intend to call me back, why? This weekend helped to bring it all up again. Thinking about where God is taking me and where I've been. At least I know what I'm doing next year, but even then there are questions (such as: where am I going to live? Am I going to be able to graduate in a year? What is it going to be like going back to WSU after this year?).
I guess it's all about trusting God. I keep telling myself that, but as many of you know trusting is easier said than done. Trusting in His sovereignty and His ultimate plan for my life. What part does this year play in my life? Maybe I'll never be able to answer that question. I can tell you I've learned many valuable lessons here that it would be hard to learn elsewhere. I've seen God work in ways I didn't know were possible, and I've been able to picture Him as more of an all-powerful, almighty God instead of the American version of watered-down Christian God who prompts us to attend Bible studies and church. God called me here I'm certain of that. I just need to stop questioning and start trusting, start having faith in His plan. Who can understand the mind of God? Therefore, who am I to think I can understand His plan for me and my future.
Anyways, this is a snippet of what goes through my mind every time I think about my future. My biggest fear is that I'll miss what God has for me. Either I'll miss it from a lack of paying attention or miss it because it wasn't I wanted for my life. My prayer is that no matter where God takes me past this year that I would trust and follow Him with reckless abandon. Not caring about what the world thinks, but pursuing a life of righteousness that He has called me to. That I wouldn't question His leading but that I would follow with faith like a child. Trusting in Him for the fulfillment of His kingdom purposes in my life.
Dis be our collaborationz...part 2
Our paper went over well...thanks for all the positive feedback! The guy teaching our "Overview of the Bible" class emailed us back and was impressed. He enjoyed our "creative piece of ghetto speak" and said that it contains "a deep understanding of the story-line of the scriptures." Whew. What a relief! Kelley and I were pretty worried about how he might react, not knowing his take on "ghetto speak." Anyways, Kelley and I have decided that we might collaborate more often, so look forward to upcoming articles/essay/whatnot.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Dis be our collaborationz...
Proceed with caution...Kelley and I had to write a paper for a training session about salvation history. This is what came's interesting and funny. It will make more sense if you read it out loud. We just hope the guy who is teaching the class understands that we love salvation, we also just happen to love using ebonics. Enjoy!
Grab yo’self some chicken, pull up a rocker and gather ‘round, I’s gonna tell you a lil’ story:
Once upon a time in a turf called Eden, there dwelt this Supreme Being. His homeboyz (there were three) called Him Yahweh, so we’ll go with dat. He worked sum of His awesome powerz and made man in His image. Now, this is where da story gets flavor’d, He gave man Eden (how cool is that?) and man dwelt there with Eve, his babymama. They lived in peace under Yahweh’s blessing, in Yahweh’s place, oh and I did I mention they were Yahweh’s peeps? Anywho, it was all grand ‘til one day dis thug, slug, serpent, whatever it is you be wanting to call him, came slitherin’ round da crib. Now he deceived Eve into thinkin’ that Yahweh was holdin’ out on her and her boo. So she broke the only house rule and sampled dat forbidden fruit. Well dat broke Yahweh’s heart. He loved them peeps, but because He was Truth and He was Holy, he had to kick dem out. Adam and Eve were evicted from Yahweh’s place. Now they’s no longer Yahweh’s peeps either. Not lookin’ too good, huh? Good thing Yahweh’s into hope and restoration.
Fast forward to Abram. Nows Abram’s name just didn’t suit. Y’all see, Yahweh called him and gave him a promise, a “covenant” of sorts. He changed his name to Abraham just to prove that the old has gone and the new has come (or is comin’). He gave him Canaan and blessed all the peoples through him. Dat’s right, dat’s the promise. Abraham was pops to Isaac, Isaac was daddy to Jacob and Jacob somehow had twelve sons. Stop. Dat’s a lot of sons. Ok, scene change; nows we be headed to Egypt where the situation is less than ideal for all of Jacob’s (aka Israel’s) chillens and whatnot. See, them crazy Egyptians they done locked them up. Makin’ them do all this hard labor and stuff, gettin’ calluses you know da drill. Aight, where was I? Oh yeah, slavery. Anywayz, 400 years later Yahweh tells Moses to show up, deliver the people from slavery, part a sea, and get some new rules. After some hard hearts, bland breakfasts, cold star-filled nights and forty years in the desert, the people of Israel, Yahweh’s people, show up on da scene, holla at a wall and take their promised land, Canaan. Sweetest milk and hunny e’er sampled. Thus, the partial kingdom. Nows I knowz what y’all thinkin’, “it ain’t a kingdom without a king.” Dat’s what all theys were thinkin’ too; see they forgot Yahweh was their king. Finally, after a bogus king, they got a solid, smooth king David. David was down and loved Yahweh and he was the closest thing to a Messiah Israel would see for a good long time now. On the flip side of David’s reign, the kings gots worse and worse until finally Yahweh was so far away, He couldn’t stand it. Yahweh called up Assyria and Babylon and befo’ theys knew it Israel was back in chains. You’d think by now they would have learned. Hmpf…
To make a looooong story short(er), trial and error proved dat these people couldn’t play by da rules, His rules. So Yahweh was like ‘these people need sum help’, and He promised a better king, a Messiah who would finally bring Yahweh’s folks back into Yahweh’s hood and they could f i n a l l y once again have Yahweh’s goodies. Well if dat ain’t the best news I’ve heard all day…I know you’re smilin’ right now, shoot I’m grinnin’ ear to ear. How you ask? Well let me tell ya. Jesus, dat’s right I said it. Jesus. Got a pretty ring to it don’t it? If that name cain’t calm waters I dunno what can. So, Yahweh sent His son Jesus to die fo’ all da people forever…fo’ eva eva. He did for Israel what Israel couldn’t do fo’ theyselves and thus fulfilled dat promise to our boy Abraham. All them thangs that separated us from Yahweh, Jesus took away when He died so that nothin’ else would stand in our way. You could say He stood in the gap (I think dat’s called intercession). So now dats where we be at, wit Jesus wearin’ the crown, sittin’ on the throne, reignin’ in our hearts. Hallelujah! Can I get a ‘amen’? Are you here to testify? Preach it, brotha! And dat still ain’t even the best part. The best part is what’s still ‘round da corner: a kingdom where Yahweh once again lives among His people in His place. Another Eden. A better Eden. A final destination. Home. Mmm Hmm!
Grab yo’self some chicken, pull up a rocker and gather ‘round, I’s gonna tell you a lil’ story:
Once upon a time in a turf called Eden, there dwelt this Supreme Being. His homeboyz (there were three) called Him Yahweh, so we’ll go with dat. He worked sum of His awesome powerz and made man in His image. Now, this is where da story gets flavor’d, He gave man Eden (how cool is that?) and man dwelt there with Eve, his babymama. They lived in peace under Yahweh’s blessing, in Yahweh’s place, oh and I did I mention they were Yahweh’s peeps? Anywho, it was all grand ‘til one day dis thug, slug, serpent, whatever it is you be wanting to call him, came slitherin’ round da crib. Now he deceived Eve into thinkin’ that Yahweh was holdin’ out on her and her boo. So she broke the only house rule and sampled dat forbidden fruit. Well dat broke Yahweh’s heart. He loved them peeps, but because He was Truth and He was Holy, he had to kick dem out. Adam and Eve were evicted from Yahweh’s place. Now they’s no longer Yahweh’s peeps either. Not lookin’ too good, huh? Good thing Yahweh’s into hope and restoration.
Fast forward to Abram. Nows Abram’s name just didn’t suit. Y’all see, Yahweh called him and gave him a promise, a “covenant” of sorts. He changed his name to Abraham just to prove that the old has gone and the new has come (or is comin’). He gave him Canaan and blessed all the peoples through him. Dat’s right, dat’s the promise. Abraham was pops to Isaac, Isaac was daddy to Jacob and Jacob somehow had twelve sons. Stop. Dat’s a lot of sons. Ok, scene change; nows we be headed to Egypt where the situation is less than ideal for all of Jacob’s (aka Israel’s) chillens and whatnot. See, them crazy Egyptians they done locked them up. Makin’ them do all this hard labor and stuff, gettin’ calluses you know da drill. Aight, where was I? Oh yeah, slavery. Anywayz, 400 years later Yahweh tells Moses to show up, deliver the people from slavery, part a sea, and get some new rules. After some hard hearts, bland breakfasts, cold star-filled nights and forty years in the desert, the people of Israel, Yahweh’s people, show up on da scene, holla at a wall and take their promised land, Canaan. Sweetest milk and hunny e’er sampled. Thus, the partial kingdom. Nows I knowz what y’all thinkin’, “it ain’t a kingdom without a king.” Dat’s what all theys were thinkin’ too; see they forgot Yahweh was their king. Finally, after a bogus king, they got a solid, smooth king David. David was down and loved Yahweh and he was the closest thing to a Messiah Israel would see for a good long time now. On the flip side of David’s reign, the kings gots worse and worse until finally Yahweh was so far away, He couldn’t stand it. Yahweh called up Assyria and Babylon and befo’ theys knew it Israel was back in chains. You’d think by now they would have learned. Hmpf…
To make a looooong story short(er), trial and error proved dat these people couldn’t play by da rules, His rules. So Yahweh was like ‘these people need sum help’, and He promised a better king, a Messiah who would finally bring Yahweh’s folks back into Yahweh’s hood and they could f i n a l l y once again have Yahweh’s goodies. Well if dat ain’t the best news I’ve heard all day…I know you’re smilin’ right now, shoot I’m grinnin’ ear to ear. How you ask? Well let me tell ya. Jesus, dat’s right I said it. Jesus. Got a pretty ring to it don’t it? If that name cain’t calm waters I dunno what can. So, Yahweh sent His son Jesus to die fo’ all da people forever…fo’ eva eva. He did for Israel what Israel couldn’t do fo’ theyselves and thus fulfilled dat promise to our boy Abraham. All them thangs that separated us from Yahweh, Jesus took away when He died so that nothin’ else would stand in our way. You could say He stood in the gap (I think dat’s called intercession). So now dats where we be at, wit Jesus wearin’ the crown, sittin’ on the throne, reignin’ in our hearts. Hallelujah! Can I get a ‘amen’? Are you here to testify? Preach it, brotha! And dat still ain’t even the best part. The best part is what’s still ‘round da corner: a kingdom where Yahweh once again lives among His people in His place. Another Eden. A better Eden. A final destination. Home. Mmm Hmm!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
We recently took the Myers-Briggs personality test as a team to better understand each other and such. It was good. I'm an ENTP which translates to: extroverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. Don't worry, it didn't make much sense to me either. I guess it's correct because everybody keeps telling me it is. I'll take their word for it. Not that I disagree with it, I also think that it describes me pretty well. I'm just always a little Leary of these "personality" tests. I understand they're meant to help us better understand each other and work together better and I agree, they do just that. However, I also think they can be over analyzed.
So, now you're wondering what is ENTP? What does "intuitive" mean? Well, without going into too much detail here's a summary of how the M-B defines me: quick, ingenious, good at many things. Stimulating company, alert and outspoken. May argue for fun on either side of a question. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems, but may neglect routine assignments. Apt to turn to one new interest after another. Skillful in finding logical reasons for what they want.
Hmmm...I see a lot of that as truth in my life (especially the first two sentences ;) ). Now I have been known to argue just for fun, but I never really thought of it as arguing (until my roommates this year pointed it out to me). Also, David on my team is the same personality type as me and I see him do that all the time, so maybe there is some truth to that statement. No wonder I find it really easy to argue with David. I definitely neglect routine assignments (just ask my mom or anyone else who has ever lived with me). New interests always pull me in, and yes, I do jump from project to project. I think "skillful in finding logical reasons for what they want" is a nice way of saying that I'm manipulative. Haha...I agree! My sisters can attest for that one. So yeah, I guess it does describe me pretty well.
We also got a paper that listed in detail what exactly it means to be each of our personality types. One of the headings is: "If ENTP's do not find a place where they can use their gifts and be appreciated for their contributions, they usually feel frustrated and may"... 1) Become brash, rude and abrasive. 2) Criticize others. 3) Become rebellious and combative. 4) Be scattered--unable to focus. Interesting. I guess that does sum me up pretty well. So even though I "tend" to be creative, imaginative, theoretical, analytical and questioning, I also "tend" to neglect details, be excessively challenging, be outspoken and not give enough weight to the impact of my ideas and plans on people.
So I have some things to watch out for. This really helped us look at our relationships as a team and especially as roommates. For example, Michelle and I are complete opposites in every way. She's an ISFJ. That explains a lot! Overall, I learned a lot about myself and my teammates and how to better communicate with understanding on both sides of the table. It's just a good reminder of how different God made each of us, with different personalities, gifts and abilities. The exciting part is watching God use you in a community of believers to bring Him glory and bring about His kingdom purposes. So, I celebrate my ENTP personality and I thank Jesus for making me unique for the plans He has for me.
So, now you're wondering what is ENTP? What does "intuitive" mean? Well, without going into too much detail here's a summary of how the M-B defines me: quick, ingenious, good at many things. Stimulating company, alert and outspoken. May argue for fun on either side of a question. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems, but may neglect routine assignments. Apt to turn to one new interest after another. Skillful in finding logical reasons for what they want.
Hmmm...I see a lot of that as truth in my life (especially the first two sentences ;) ). Now I have been known to argue just for fun, but I never really thought of it as arguing (until my roommates this year pointed it out to me). Also, David on my team is the same personality type as me and I see him do that all the time, so maybe there is some truth to that statement. No wonder I find it really easy to argue with David. I definitely neglect routine assignments (just ask my mom or anyone else who has ever lived with me). New interests always pull me in, and yes, I do jump from project to project. I think "skillful in finding logical reasons for what they want" is a nice way of saying that I'm manipulative. Haha...I agree! My sisters can attest for that one. So yeah, I guess it does describe me pretty well.
We also got a paper that listed in detail what exactly it means to be each of our personality types. One of the headings is: "If ENTP's do not find a place where they can use their gifts and be appreciated for their contributions, they usually feel frustrated and may"... 1) Become brash, rude and abrasive. 2) Criticize others. 3) Become rebellious and combative. 4) Be scattered--unable to focus. Interesting. I guess that does sum me up pretty well. So even though I "tend" to be creative, imaginative, theoretical, analytical and questioning, I also "tend" to neglect details, be excessively challenging, be outspoken and not give enough weight to the impact of my ideas and plans on people.
So I have some things to watch out for. This really helped us look at our relationships as a team and especially as roommates. For example, Michelle and I are complete opposites in every way. She's an ISFJ. That explains a lot! Overall, I learned a lot about myself and my teammates and how to better communicate with understanding on both sides of the table. It's just a good reminder of how different God made each of us, with different personalities, gifts and abilities. The exciting part is watching God use you in a community of believers to bring Him glory and bring about His kingdom purposes. So, I celebrate my ENTP personality and I thank Jesus for making me unique for the plans He has for me.
Confessions of an Addict
I have come to the conclusion that iTunes is like caffeine. They are both addicting. The only difference is a lack of caffeine causes me to get headaches and want to sleep all day, whereas the lack of iTunes produces a deep longing to browse music, find new artists and spend money I don't have. Recently I have purchased music from Newsboys, Caedmon's Call, Bebo Norman, Hillsong, Carrie Underwood (no laughing please) and Cowboy Troy (again, keep your laughter to yourselves...I only bought one song from him "I play chicken with the train").
I am currently considering buying Hawk Nelson's CD and/or one of KJ-52's CD's. Either way I will be spending money, but it will be well worth it. Maybe I should join a "iTunes Addict" support group. If you hear of one let me know.
I am currently considering buying Hawk Nelson's CD and/or one of KJ-52's CD's. Either way I will be spending money, but it will be well worth it. Maybe I should join a "iTunes Addict" support group. If you hear of one let me know.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Update on Fridge
Saturday our landlord sent the repair guy over for the fridge. Since Michelle was the only one up, she got to play charades with the repairman who spoke no English. Finally, we concluded that by crossing out the motor, the guy meant it no longer works. Our landlord came back later and told us the motor is broken and it will take four hours to fix it! What?! When do we have four spare hours to sit around and watch a repairman fix our fridge. So, until then, we are using the window sill of the kitchen to keep things cold. It is definitely colder than our broken fridge will be any time soon (and maybe colder than it ever was in the first place).
In other news, our "drying room/porch" is having a windowsill water problem. The condensation from the windows flooded the windowsill and went down the wall causing major water damage to our beautifully white-washed cement finish. Bummer. One more thing to add to the ongoing list of apartment flaws. At least now our breaker stays on during the night (well, four out of five nights ain't bad).
In other news, our "drying room/porch" is having a windowsill water problem. The condensation from the windows flooded the windowsill and went down the wall causing major water damage to our beautifully white-washed cement finish. Bummer. One more thing to add to the ongoing list of apartment flaws. At least now our breaker stays on during the night (well, four out of five nights ain't bad).
Sunday, January 08, 2006
I still don't understand this blog...
So I just posted a "draft" that I had from a couple days ago and it posted it for the day I "drafted" it, not the day I actually "published" it...weird. Didn't know that could happen. I'm still learning new things everyday about this blogging experience. It's exciting, kind of like an adventure in cyberspace.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Happy Birthday Anne!
I missed my best friend's birthday! Who does that?! So, Anne, here is my public apology for my lack of consideration and celebration. Hope it was good and full of blessings and joy (and, of course, cake...cake is good). I was going to get you me for your birthday, but I decided that a plane ticket home cost too much. Instead, I'll take you to Rome for your birthday. We can meet at that cute little cafe on the corner (our usual spot). I'll treat you to some pasta and good conversation. I'm thinking this weekend sounds free Sunday afternoon, let's say 2:00?
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Current Conditions...
The current temperature: 34F with the wind speed at 17mph and gusts at 28mph (try riding your bike in that); it is currently raining with a mix of hail. Tonight's forecast: Snow and temps as low at 12F; projected snow accumulation is 1 inch. Tomorrow's forecast: Realfeel temps around 30F (the high), clear and cold. My thought: I'm not going to school tomorrow...In fact, I'm not leaving my house if at all possible (at least we can get our house partly warm...When the breaker doesn't go out). I don't want to know what it is like riding a bike in the snow. Today was bad enough. Hail combined with winds and a bike is incredibly cold and painful. No wonder half of my classmates didn't show up today. Oh yeah, and to top it off our fridge is warm. Not just broken warm, but heating itself warm. I can honestly say it is warmer than our kitchen...Go figure!
Things I miss from home
Some of the things I miss the most from home:
The fam. Mom, Mark (sometimes), and especially the sisters. Aren't we cute? I miss taking them to movies and staying up all night with Kristen playing computer games and cards.
The dog. I love Lucy!
The view. I miss seeing hills, mountains, the vineyard, and anything resembling a countryside.
The sunsets. There just aren't sunsets over here like we have back home.
Monday, January 02, 2006
In Me...
There are days when it is very hard to get out of bed in the morning. As it nears towards the end of the semester, I am finding more and more of those days. I'm burned out, becoming tired of living over here and would give anything for my Mom's pasta. However, each day I still can find the strength to get up, go to class, ride my bike in the rain, call girls who I can barely communicate with, juggle my schedule to fit those girls in, and spend time with God in the midst of it all. How? Simple: by the power of Christ in me. This song by Casting Crowns is becoming my theme song as I go about my day. I find myself singing it in the morning, during class and at about four in the afternoon when all I want to do is take a nap. Knowing that everything I do is not on my own strength is freeing and allows me to really draw near to God and let Him do the work. I truly believe no matter where you are living or what kind of work you are doing, these words will be as true for you as they are for me.
In Me by Casting Crowns
If you asked me to leap
Out of my boat on the crashing waves
If you ask me to go
Preach to a lost world of Jesus saves
I'll go, but I cannot go alone
'Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me makes me strong
Makes me strong
'Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that you want me
So I'll stand on Your Truth, and I'll fight with Your Strength
Until You bring the victory, by the power of Christ in me
If you ask me to run
And carry your light into foreign land
If you ask me to fight
Deliver your people from satan's hand
I'll go, but I cannot go alone
'Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me makes me strong
Makes me strong
To reach out with Your hands
To learn through Your eyes
To love with the love of a savior
To feel with Your heart
and to think with Your mind
I'd give my last breath for Your glory
In Me by Casting Crowns
If you asked me to leap
Out of my boat on the crashing waves
If you ask me to go
Preach to a lost world of Jesus saves
I'll go, but I cannot go alone
'Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me makes me strong
Makes me strong
'Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that you want me
So I'll stand on Your Truth, and I'll fight with Your Strength
Until You bring the victory, by the power of Christ in me
If you ask me to run
And carry your light into foreign land
If you ask me to fight
Deliver your people from satan's hand
I'll go, but I cannot go alone
'Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me makes me strong
Makes me strong
To reach out with Your hands
To learn through Your eyes
To love with the love of a savior
To feel with Your heart
and to think with Your mind
I'd give my last breath for Your glory
Sunday, January 01, 2006
A sphynx?

My teammates and I have this ongoing saga of making up imaginary double lives for ourselves, super hero powers or previous animal lives. Tonight we were thinking what kind of animal each of us closely represents. I was given the hairless cat, the sphynx. Why, you ask...I asked the same question! Steven informed me it's because I have the personality of a cat (a little conniving, always wanting attention, likes to sleep...Ok, I think you get it) and the hairless part comes from a rumor going around that I think clothes are confining. So, the lack of hair represents my true feelings toward the need for clothes, supposedly. Of course, I have no further comments, but please feel free to post your own.
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