Have you ever googled yourself? Well, I was curious as to what lay out there in cyberspace with my name on it. Of course, Jessica Anderson isn't exactly uncommon (sometimes I'm convinced it's the most common name in America) so I was interested to see what I would find.
#1 Australian Authors - Jessica Anderson:
The site reads: "Jessica Anderson was born in Brisbane in 1925 and has lived most of her life in Sydney, other than a few years in London. She started her career as a novelist rather later in life than most, although she has previously written short stories for newspapers and novel dramatisations for radio." Interesting...it seems I have also won a number of awards. Wow, I'm old! 1925?! (That's way before Jessica became the most popular girls name in America during the 80's)
#2 Goalie Pages - About Me, Jessica Anderson:
The site reads: "My name is Jessica Anderson, I'm 23 years old, born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I am currently living in Cincinnati and attending Cincinnati State Technical College, majoring in Computer Graphics (graduating summer 2005). I graduated from John Abbott College in 2001, with a degree in Office System Technology. I then attended Concordia University for two years, majoring in History. I played for The John Abbott College Lady Islanders for four years (97 - 01). I played for The Concordia Stingers for two years (01/02 - 02/03). I'm a goalie of course." Hmmm...I'm a goalie of course. Of course I am! What else would I be? I even compare myself to Mike Richter. Assertive, perhaps?
#3 Jessica Anderson Online Portfolio
I think this site is the portfolio of the previously mentioned goalie. Wow, what a find! It's actually pretty cool. So in theory could I use her, I mean my, pictures on this blog? I am technically Jessica Anderson (although biologically a different Jessica Anderson). As I browse her portfolio, it's actually quite impressive...maybe I could have her design my blog? Hmmm...I mean, have me design my blog. Interesting thought. I should look into that.
Here's an interesting one:
#5 Jessica Anderson (II)
Apparently I'm also an actress who has starred in Passions where I was a gang girl, Big Momma's House 2 in which I was the bikini girl, and in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang where I played an upscale woman. Hmmm...all those roles seem to point to extra more than star, but hey, I'll take what I can get. I also don't understand the II. Oh wait, I play the piano. That's cool.
In Google you never know what you'll get. This has been fun. I think you should all Google yourselves and let me know what you find. Of course, not everyone can be a writer/goalie/computer graphics artist/budding actress but hey, nobody's perfect (or so commonly named).
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
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i KNEW you were the bikini girl in big momma's house 2!!! finally you fessed up!
love you!
Yes, this was my way of getting it out there. Consider it public confession. Haha, yes I live a double life and yes, I love it! (almost as much as I love cuddling on our pleather couch under the NCMO blanket)
Hey I was just browsing "jessica anderson's" on google... i went to high school with the 'actress' and was curious to what she's been up to. I saw your posting. Just to give Jess some props, she actually had a guest star role on passions... I guess you only get a real name if they say your name in the scene. But it was pretty cool.. she got to beat up one of the main characters...and the (II) part is because their was a "jessica anderson" on imdb.com before her. So I guess your name is pretty c'mon. Ha. Well, rock on!
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