Friday, February 24, 2006

Rainy day reading...

I just started reading Black by Ted Dekker. It's an unbelievable novel with incredible imagination. I have been more places in Black than I thought possible. I'm a little over halfway through it and I really can't put it down. It follows a young man named Thomas Hunter who is convinced that he is living in two realities. Whenever he falls asleep in one, he wakes up in the other. One reality is Denver, Colorado 2010, the other is a colored forest where Elyon lives with His people set come 200 years in the future. How Dekker came up with this is beyond me. I've always been a Randy Alcorn fan, but Ted Dekker plays on a whole other level. While Alcorn gives incredible plot and amazing visions of Heaven, Dekker comes up with an adrenaline-laced storyline and an incredible post-Earth Narnia of sorts that is beyond my comprehension. Both weave in spiritual truth without making it seem forced. I've fallen in love with Elyon, Jesus, all over again because of these books. I seriously recommend you read Dekker. And Alcorn. While you're at it read Perretti too. We are so blessed to have such amazing men of God writing fiction novels with incredible Truth and conviction! I'm also glad it's raining out today. Bring on the chai tea and good reads.


Anonymous said...

I miss you!


Anonymous said...

You miss me?! I miss you! You should come and visit. Or, we could have another luncheon in Rome. That was know what I miss? Swinging...park dates...MacKenzie (before the boys took over)!