I wanted to share some pictures with you all involved in my "blogger's paradise." I think allowing you to view the fun I have will help you feel more connected to me...however creepy that may sound I more or less have nothing else to blog about and this seemed like the best alternative.

We had some friends from WSU visit recently. This is me and the infamous Malisa Canto doing some sight seeing and such. It was a blast to have them here with us for a very short week.

Ok, these kids are super cute! Kelley and I witnessed their dance routine early one morning while out prayer walking on campus. They had routines to songs with dance moves and everything! So cute! The girl in the white jacket was our favorite.

This is me with my friend's rabbit, Hawaii. They've actually been through quite a few rabbits naming each one after a state. They started with "A" and have made their way to "H"...hmmm. And yes, that is a David Beckham bobble-head on their TV.

Ah, Kelley and I doing some sight seeing of our own. Which we never really get to do much of living here (weird). I love this picture. It's fast becoming one of my favorites!
1 comment:
Where did you get the bunny from!
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