Saturday, April 15, 2006

And the eggs...

Of course, we introduced the art of egg dying to our national friends. It was fun to show them how to dye eggs (I think they were a little perplexed as to the idea of it). My friend, Carla, sent over an egg dying kit. It was cool. You could put swirls on the eggs and glitter too! After dying eggs, we then watched VeggieTales An Easter Carol. It was good fellowship and fun times all around. Happy Easter!

Before the dying's picture time! Yes, we dyed three dozen eggs...

Kelley, Becky and Michelle stare wide-eyed at our beautifully decorated eggs. Notice the swirls? Pretty neat.

A party isn't over until the last group photo is taken! Now I think I'll go and look up a good recipe for potato salad so we can rid of all the eggs in our fridge!

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