Tonight Kelley, Michelle and I watched Elizabethtown. Um, not what we expected. It really wasn't that great. I thought it should have ended way before it did, and although it had some redeeming qualities at the end the part in the middle was too hard to sit through. If it wasn't for Orlando Bloom, I wouldn't have stuck it out at all. So anyways, the gist of the story line is Drew (Orlando Bloom) is a failure at making shoes and is going to take his life when his father dies from a heart attack. His father, however, is visiting his family in Kentucky that doesn't get along with his wife (Susan Sarandon) so Drew is sent to "bring dad back" to Oregon. Well, Drew meets a girl (Kirsten Dunst) and finds life again (even though he ruined his company with his shoe idea). The story line twists and turns and has little side stories and montages along the way that don't make sense. He also has this inner dialogue the entire time that gets kind of annoying. Well, at what I thought the end should be, his mom and sister fly in for his father's funeral. His mom has not been grieving well and so has taken on a number of new hobbies in the past week since her husband's passing. Among them cooking, comedy school and tap dancing. So, at the end of her speech/eulogy she tap dances to her husband's favorite song. It was sweet, and very me. In fact, I turned to Kelley and Michelle and said "that's me, I would do something like that" to which I contemplated and commented on my own remark with, "in fact, I'm going to tap dance at your funerals!" So, there you have it. I'm going to tap dance at Kelley's funeral and at Michelle's funeral. And if I go first, they're tap dancing at mine. It's a pact, sealed on the pleather couch. So, even though Elizabethtown was hard to sit through, it was worth it for that one scene. Some days I'm more sentimental than others.
I really hope that I die first, I don't want to have to tap dance at your funeral. I'll do it if I have to, but I would really rather not. We should make a pact to die at the same time so that Kelley has to tap dance at both of our funerals.... I know, I'm a genius.
pardone moi! i do not appreciate this pact-making going on right under my nose at the computer next to me. pretty sure if there is a pact being made it needs to cover all 3 of us fairly, thank you very little. and, i do feel that part of the pact should be that if any of us break said pack the pack is off. how's bout them apples?
I do believe that the pact does involve all 3 of us, Miss Sassafrass. Yeah, I said it. If you read my blog would have seen that I said it was a pact that included all 3 of us and all of us are now obligated to tap dance at each other's funerals. Yeah, something like that. Anyways, the pleather-couch pacts are final. No signing required!
first of all elizabethtown was amazing. i can't believe you kids didn't enjoy it. it was so good. i think i actually watched it two and a half times in the first week we had it.
but maybe that's because i lived outside of louisville for half a year... or because i'm a melancholic fool. or a sentimental moron. or all of the above. but seriously, maybe you girls just need to watch it again with the right guy, then you'd like it.
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