Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Learning to RAFT

This weekend we debriefed. It was an amazing time of starting the goodbye process and yet making more awesome memories. During this time we talked a lot about leaving well. How to build a good RAFT (reconcile, affirmation, farewells and think destination). I'm the type that doesn't really like goodbyes. I would much rather write a card and wave as I drive away. Goodbyes seem so final, so definite. However, it was good to start thinking about what it will be like to say goodbye, and how I really need to do it (even though it will be hard). I have to say goodbye to my town, to my girls, to my friends and neighbors. I have to say goodbye to the local Starbucks and all the wonderful baristas that work there and have become my friends. I should probably call up the Yumways guy too and say goodbye to him and let him know why we won't be ordering sandwiches 5 times a week next month. Yeah, there are so many goodbyes to say.
We also thought a lot about this year and what it means to us. We made a list of all the fabulous things that happened and we want to remember. We practiced our 15 second recap of the year for people back home who ask. Looking back over this year made me realize how blessed I have been. I have had the opportunity to see some amazing places and make some amazing friends. God has done amazing things in my heart and I've realized more and more of what it truly means to pursue Him and surrender all.
This is a just a glimpse of what my mind is constantly thinking through. I need a whole day to process everything and just remember and prepare myself for the journey home. Less than one month and I'll be back in a plane to America...leaving East Asia behind me.

1 comment:

The World Forgot said...

let us not forget REUNION 2007. i mean seriously, tell your friends.