Saturday, March 10, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Tomorrow morning I fly out to East Asia for a week of fun, friends, sharing Jesus and really good food. Steven, David Pick and I are leaving this morning to Seattle where we'll stay the night before flying out tomorrow morning at 8am. If you need some things to pray for, pray that: God will show up in big ways, we'll have safe travels over and while we're there, we would be an encouragement to the team and to our friends there, God will work in the hearts of the students and in our hearts, and that it would be a refreshing time for everyone. Last night thinking about it kind of made me stressed out. I really want to be able to enjoy this trip and have my heart refreshed. I'm excited to see what God does!
My church back home has blessed me so much! I'm already over my goal for financial support to go and I heard there are still more people interested in giving towards East Asia. It is such a blessing to have such an amazing church behind me and praying me through. I think back to last year and how much I know PCC and the people there prayed for me. Out of all my teammates I know I was extremely blessed and it showed in my heart and how the Lord continued to provide for me all year.
Also during my daydreams of life back in EA, I think about how much has changed. Especially with Steven and me. How just a year ago it was so different. I'm kind of anxious to see how everyone reacts to us dating. Not that they would react in a bad way, but it was weird for Steven and me at first. Overall, I'm really excited to see people and bring them their assortment of fruit snacks, Hot Tamales and other mail-order items that have been showing up the past few weeks.
I love traveling. I can't wait to get on the plane and know that I'm headed overseas again to more adventures.

*This is my 100th post and as such I thought it needed a shout-out.

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