Wednesday, May 24, 2006

15 cent poncho in a downpour....

So, earlier this year I caught in a downpour. It was mid-October (I think) and Michelle and I were riding back from Starbucks when it started to rain. We got soaking wet, but it was fun and we laughed about it. Recently it has been raining...a lot! In fact, last week I guess there was some sort of typhoon that blew in from the coast. Today, I got caught in another downpour.
This morning Kelley and I went to class not thinking that it would rain. I didn't bring my poncho and I didn't even have a jacket. Bad start. I had lunch with Rose at our on campus restaurant and then met with Jason and Rose to talk about some logistical stuff for some friends we have coming in on a project. At the end of our meeting Michelle messaged me with, "I hope you brought your jacket because it's raining hard." I panicked a little, but Rose thought that we could just buy ponchos at the supermarket on campus. So, we get downstairs (and it's raining really hard) and find ponchos for about $0.15 a piece. It was a glorified garbage bag. The ties for the hood were like the built in plastic drawstrings on garbage bags. It was funny. I didn't even get 20 feet before the hood blew off my poncho and left my face exposed. The whole way home (about 5 minutes) I got soaked from the neck up and from the waist down. The poncho was horrible (but at least kept my shirt dry). People kept staring at me and pointing. I just laughed and thought how crazy I must look in a blue plastic bag that only covers half of me.
I'm glad I could laugh about it. I think that's the only way I can keep my sanity these days.

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