Monday, February 20, 2006

It's good to be back

Well, if you haven't heard by now, I'm back in East Asia. One word: cold! Our apartment is freezing, and of course, the heat isn't working like it used to. At least I have my electric blanket to keep me warm at night. Anyways, our apartment was as we left it. I really missed East Asia. Yesterday, Michelle and I went shopping and as we were in the taxi driving to our destination (the first stop was actually Starbucks, go figure...) I felt comfortable. I realized how much I missed people on bikes and horns going crazy. How much I missed the statue of the boy and dog that has never made sense to me. I even missed not being able to fully communicate with the taxi driver.
The people at Starbucks didn't recognize us. But then, when they realized their most valuable customers had returned (based on sales), they were excited to see us and hear of our travels (ok, really all they wanted to know is why we didn't tell them we were going to Thailand because then we could have bought them things). We even saw our Aussie friend who works upstairs. He looked excited to see us, at least I think so...Auchan was exciting. It actually wasn't as busy as usual. We got back home and then had a team dinner. We had dumplings delivered. It was good. I really did miss East Asia more than I thought I did. It's good to be home.

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