Tuesday, January 10, 2006


We recently took the Myers-Briggs personality test as a team to better understand each other and such. It was good. I'm an ENTP which translates to: extroverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. Don't worry, it didn't make much sense to me either. I guess it's correct because everybody keeps telling me it is. I'll take their word for it. Not that I disagree with it, I also think that it describes me pretty well. I'm just always a little Leary of these "personality" tests. I understand they're meant to help us better understand each other and work together better and I agree, they do just that. However, I also think they can be over analyzed.
So, now you're wondering what is ENTP? What does "intuitive" mean? Well, without going into too much detail here's a summary of how the M-B defines me: quick, ingenious, good at many things. Stimulating company, alert and outspoken. May argue for fun on either side of a question. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems, but may neglect routine assignments. Apt to turn to one new interest after another. Skillful in finding logical reasons for what they want.
Hmmm...I see a lot of that as truth in my life (especially the first two sentences ;) ). Now I have been known to argue just for fun, but I never really thought of it as arguing (until my roommates this year pointed it out to me). Also, David on my team is the same personality type as me and I see him do that all the time, so maybe there is some truth to that statement. No wonder I find it really easy to argue with David. I definitely neglect routine assignments (just ask my mom or anyone else who has ever lived with me). New interests always pull me in, and yes, I do jump from project to project. I think "skillful in finding logical reasons for what they want" is a nice way of saying that I'm manipulative. Haha...I agree! My sisters can attest for that one. So yeah, I guess it does describe me pretty well.
We also got a paper that listed in detail what exactly it means to be each of our personality types. One of the headings is: "If ENTP's do not find a place where they can use their gifts and be appreciated for their contributions, they usually feel frustrated and may"... 1) Become brash, rude and abrasive. 2) Criticize others. 3) Become rebellious and combative. 4) Be scattered--unable to focus. Interesting. I guess that does sum me up pretty well. So even though I "tend" to be creative, imaginative, theoretical, analytical and questioning, I also "tend" to neglect details, be excessively challenging, be outspoken and not give enough weight to the impact of my ideas and plans on people.
So I have some things to watch out for. This really helped us look at our relationships as a team and especially as roommates. For example, Michelle and I are complete opposites in every way. She's an ISFJ. That explains a lot! Overall, I learned a lot about myself and my teammates and how to better communicate with understanding on both sides of the table. It's just a good reminder of how different God made each of us, with different personalities, gifts and abilities. The exciting part is watching God use you in a community of believers to bring Him glory and bring about His kingdom purposes. So, I celebrate my ENTP personality and I thank Jesus for making me unique for the plans He has for me.


anne said...

Hey Girl!
I guess we are almost 100% opposite! I'm an ISTJ! :-) I'm glad that you guys are doing that, because it can be a great way to clear up team misunderstandings!
Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Yup, that pretty much sums you up! But that's why we love you!

Anonymous said...

That seriously describes you so well. You were always the best debater in high school. . .:)

Anonymous said...

The best debater? Yeah, maybe that does describe me...but I guess that doesn't necessarily mean I was right, just good at arguing. At least now I realize that...not that it means I'll stop arguing, I'm just more aware of it :).